Zip Express, brings for you a simplified look up of U.S. ZIP Code, city, state, county, area code and time zone information.
This amazing application brings for you a handy look up of the U.S. ZIP Code, city, state, county, area code and time zone information. It allows you to access information for reading a ZIP Code from an application or the clipboard and paste the associated information directly into another program using any format. Once you enter your key in the search criteria, this application will display potential matches and allows you to watch the possibilities being narrowed down as you type. It also allows you to check the current time for a specific area code, ZIP Code or city in another country to help determine the time, and the Map button is useful for viewing a map of that location.
Zip Express is a powerful yet easy-to-use program ideal for realtors, lawyers, university admissions counselors, call centers and many others.